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发布时间:2023-11-08 作者: 浏览次数:10746




韩惠芳,女,博士、教授、博导,山西忻州人。学校“1512”工程第二层次。中国生态学会农业生态专委会、中国农学会耕作制度分会委员。小麦育种全国重点实验室、农业部作物水分生理与抗旱种质改良重点实验室、山东省高校作物生理生态重点实验室、土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室学术骨干。20163月到20169月,美国俄亥俄州立大学碳管理中心(C-MASCThe Ohio State University)进行访问学者学习交流。主要承担《农业生态学》和《耕作学》的教学工作。指导大学生参加山东省互联网+”创新创业大赛获得银奖,山东省科技创新大赛获得叁等奖。已指导研究生20人,获得国家奖学金、山东省优秀硕士学位论文、山东省优秀毕业生多项。荣获中国农学会耕作制度分会第二届青年人才奖,澳门十大信誉网赌大全十佳导学团队主导师。




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32172127,土壤团聚体多级结构调控有机碳矿化效应的微生物学机制,2022/01-2025/12,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31771737,土壤团聚体及颗粒组微生物在轮耕农田固碳效应中的作用机制,2018-012021-12,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471453,夏玉米农田生态系统土壤呼吸碳源效应对植株固碳的补偿机制,2015/01-2018/12,主持。

4. 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项,201503117,鲁东区棕壤土水浇地合理耕层构建技术指标研究,2015/01-2019/12主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31571603,免耕宽幅精播麦田水分利用效率及其碳水平衡调控机制研究,2016/01-2019/12,参加。

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,31101127高产夏玉米田固碳与耗水过程的耦合及其对干旱的响应机制,2011/01-2014/12,主持。

7. 山东省科学基金青年基金,ZR2010CQ009超高产夏玉米农田水碳耦合关系及其高效利用的调控机制,2010/11-2013/11,主持。

8. 山东省科技发展计划,2014GNC111007黄淮海农作区新型菜田农作制模式构建及配套技术研究与示范,2014/07-2017/06,主持。

9. 山东省高等学校青创人才引育计划项目,作物智慧生态高效种植,2020-2023,参加。

10. 山东省重点研发计划(乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划),2022TZXD0038,盐碱地渔农融合高效利用关键技术创新及示范,2022 /01-2025/12,参加。


1. Liu L., Zheng H.F., Liu Z., Ma Y.Z., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y. Crop – Livestock integration via maize straw recycling increased carbon sequestration and crop production in China[J]. Agricultural Systems. 2023, 210: 103722. 

2. Wang S.B., Liu Z.,  Obalum S.E., Liang C., Han K., Han H.F.* Efects of Subsoiling Depth on Soil Aggregate Stability and Carbon Storage in a ClayLoam Soil[J]. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2023,

3. Zhang T.T., Cui J.C., Duan X.H., Cui D.M., Liu X.K., Feng Q.Q., Shen Y., Han H.F.* , Ning T.Y. Subsoiling reduces CO2 concentrations in soil profile of winter wheat – summer maize rotation ecosystem in the North China Plain: a strategy to achieve carbon neutrality in farmland[J]. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2023,

4. Xu J., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y., Li Z.J., Lal R. Long-term effects of tillage and straw management on soil organic carbon, crop yield, and yield stability in a wheat-maize system[J].  Field Crops Research. 2019, 233: 33-40.  

5. Guo L.L., Wang X.J., Wang S.B., Tan D.C., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y., Li Q.Q. Tillage and irrigation effects on carbon emissions and water use of summer maize in North China Plains[J]. Agricultural Water Management. 2019, 223:105729. 

6. Kuang N.K., Tan D.C., Li H.J., Gou Q.S., Li Q.Q.*, Han H.F.* Effects of subsoiling before winter wheat on water consumption characteristics and yield of summer maize on the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural Water Management. 2020, 227:105786.

7. Li X.S., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y., Shen Y., Lal R. Variations of SOC and MBC observed in an incubated brown loam soil managed under different tillage systems for 12years[J]. Soil Use and Management. 2019, 35(4) : 585-594.   

8. Li X.S., Han H.F.*, Ning T. Y., Lal R. CO2 –C evolution rate in an incubation study with straw input to soil managed by different tillage systems[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8:12588-12596.

9. Wang S.B., Guo L.L., Zhou P.C., Wang X.J., Shen Y., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y., Han K. Effect of subsoiling depth on soil physical properties and summer maize (Zea mays L.) yield[J]. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2019, 65(3):131-137. 

10. Zhou P.C., Wang S.B., Guo L.L., Shen Y., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y. Effects of subsoiling stage on summer maize water use efficiency and yield in North China Plains[J]. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2019, 65(11), 556-562.

11. Han H.F., Ning T.Y., Li Z.J.*, Cao H.M. The ratio of CO2 -C emission to grain yield in summer maize cultivated under different soil tillage and straw application conditions[J]. Experimental Agriculture. 2017, 53: 118-130.

12. Shen Y., Zhang T.T., Cui J.C., Chen S.Y., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y. Increase in maize yield and soil aggregate-associated carbon in North China due to long-term conservation tillage[J]. Experimental Agriculture, 2021, DOI: 10.1017/S001447972100020X.

13. Shen Y., Zhang T.T., Cui J.C., Chen S.Y., Han H.F.*, Ning T.Y. Subsoiling increases aggregate-associated organic carbon, dry matter, and maize yield on the North China Plain[J]. Peer J, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11099.

14. Cui J.C., Han H.F.*. Carbon isotope discrimination and the factors affecting it in a summer maize field under different tillage systems[J]. Peer J. 2022.10:e12891  

15. Jiao F.L., Hong S.Z., Cui J.C., Zhang Q.F., Li M., Shi R.L., Han H.F., Li Q.Q*. Subsoiling combined with irrigation improves carbon emission and crop water productivity of winter wheat in North China Plain[J]. Agricultural Water Management. 2022.269,107685.

16. RenY.J., Gao C., Han H.F., Li Q.Q*. Response of water use efficiency and carbon emission to no-tillage and winter wheat genotypes in the North China Plain[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 635:1102-1109.

17.  Liu Z., Sun K., Liu W. T., Gao T. P., Li G., Han H. F., Li Z. J., Ning T. Y.*. Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen, and wheat and maize productivity to 10 years of decreased nitrogen fertilizer under contrasting tillage systems[J]. Soil and Tillage Research, 2020, 196, 104444.

18. Liu Z., Liu W.T., Liu H.T., Gao T.P., Zhao H.X., Li G., Han H.F., Li Z.J., Lal R., Ning T.Y.*. Capture of soil respiration for higher photosynthesis with lower CO2 emission[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246:119029.

19. (19) Liu Z., Gao T.P., Liu W.T., Sun K., Xin Y.N., Liu H.J., Wang S.Z., Li G., Han H. F., Li Z.J., Ning T.Y.*. Effects of part and whole straw returning on soil carbon sequestration in C3–C4 rotation cropland[J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2019, 182(3), 429-440.

20. (20) Liu Z., Sun K., Zheng B., Dong Q.L., Li G., Han H.F., Li Z. J., Ning T.Y.*. Impacts of straw, biogas slurry, manure and mineral fertilizer applications on several biochemical properties and crop yield in a wheat-maize cropping system[J]. Plant Soil and Environment, 2019, 65: 1-8.

21. (21)王少博, 曹亚倩, 冯倩倩, 郭亮亮, 梁海, 王雪洁, 韩惠芳*, 宁堂原. 保护性耕作对棕壤粒径分形特征及碳氮比分布的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2019, 25(05): 792-804.

22. (22) 冯倩倩, 韩惠芳*, 张亚运, 许菁, 曹亚倩, 王少博, 宁堂原, 李增嘉. 2018. 耕作方式对麦玉轮作农田固碳、保水性能及产量的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报. 24(4): 869-879.

23. (23) 许菁, 贺贞昆, 冯倩倩, 张亚运, 李晓莎, 许姣姣, 林祥, 韩惠芳*, 宁堂原, 李增嘉.长期不同耕作方式对冬小麦-夏玉米光合性能及周年产量形成的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报.2017, 23(1): 1-7.

24. (24) 李晓莎, 武宁, 刘玲, 冯宇鹏, 徐旭, 韩惠芳*, 宁堂原, 李增嘉. 不同秸秆还田和耕作方式对夏玉米农田土壤呼吸及微生物活性的影响[J]. 应用生态学报. 2015, 26(6):1765-1771.

25. (25) 许菁, 李晓莎, 许姣姣, 刘玲, 韩惠芳*, 宁堂原, 李增嘉. 长期保护性耕作对麦-玉两熟农田土壤碳氮储量及固碳固氮潜力的影响[J]. 水土保持学报. 2015, 29(6): 191-196.





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